#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # ### SliderPuzzeUI ### TODO: Describe ### $Id: $ ### ### author: Carlos Neves (cn (at) sueste.net) ### (c) 2007 World Wide Workshop Foundation import os import gettext import locale import gtk, gobject _ = lambda x: x # Images were taken from http://www.sodipodi.com/ # except for korea taken from http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Unification_flag_of_Korea.svg lang_name_mapping = { 'zh_cn':(None, _('Chinese (simplified)'), 'china'), 'zh_tw':(None, _('Chinese (traditional)'), 'china'), 'cs':(None, _('Czech'),'czech_republic'), 'da':(None, _('Danish'),'denmark'), 'nl':(None, _('Dutch'), 'netherlands'), 'en':('English', _('English'),'united_states'), 'en_gb':('English', _('English - Great Britain'),'united_kingdom'), 'en_us':('English', _('English - U.S.'),'united_states'), 'fi':(None, _('Finnish'),'finland'), 'fr':('Français', _('French'),'france'), 'de':(None, _('German'),'germany'), 'hu':(None, _('Hungarian'),'hungary'), 'it':(None, _('Italian'),'italy'), 'ja':(None, _('Japanese'),'japan'), 'ko':(None, _('Korean'),'korea'), 'no':(None, _('Norwegian'),'norway'), 'pl':(None, _('Polish'),'poland'), 'pt':('Português', _('Portuguese'),'portugal'), 'pt_br':('Português do Brasil', _('Portuguese - Brazilian'),'brazil'), 'ru':(None, _('Russian'),'russian_federation'), 'sk':(None, _('Slovak'),'slovenia'), 'es':('Español', _('Spanish'),'spain'), 'sv':(None, _('Swedish'),'sweden'), 'tr':(None, _('Turkish'),'turkey'), } class LangDetails (object): def __init__ (self, code, name, image): self.code = code self.country_code = self.code.split('_')[0] self.name = name self.image = image def guess_translation (self, fallback=False): self.gnutranslation = gettext.translation('org.worldwideworkshop.olpc.SliderPuzzle', 'locale', [self.code], fallback=fallback) def install (self): self.gnutranslation.install() def matches (self, code, exact=True): if exact: return code.lower() == self.code.lower() return code.split('_')[0].lower() == self.country_code.lower() def get_lang_details (lang): mapping = lang_name_mapping.get(lang.lower(), None) if mapping is None: # Try just the country code lang = lang.split('_')[0] mapping = lang_name_mapping.get(lang.lower(), None) if mapping is None: return None if mapping[0] is None: return LangDetails(lang, mapping[1], mapping[2]) return LangDetails(lang, mapping[0], mapping[2]) def list_available_translations (): rv = [get_lang_details('en')] rv[0].guess_translation(True) for i,x in enumerate([x for x in os.listdir('locale') if os.path.isdir('locale/' + x) and not x.startswith('.')]): try: details = get_lang_details(x) if details is not None: details.guess_translation() rv.append(details) except: raise pass return rv class LanguageComboBox (gtk.ComboBox): def __init__ (self): liststore = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING) gtk.ComboBox.__init__(self, liststore) self.cell = gtk.CellRendererText() self.pack_start(self.cell, True) self.add_attribute(self.cell, 'text', 0) self.translations = list_available_translations() for i,x in enumerate(self.translations): liststore.insert(i+1, (gettext.gettext(x.name), )) self.connect('changed', self.install) def modify_bg (self, state, color): setattr(self.cell, 'background-gdk',color) setattr(self.cell, 'background-set',True) def install (self, *args): if self.get_active() > -1: self.translations[self.get_active()].install() else: code, encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale() # Try to find the exact translation for i,t in enumerate(self.translations): if t.matches(code): self.set_active(i) break if self.get_active() < 0: # Failed, try to get the translation based only in the country for i,t in enumerate(self.translations): if t.matches(code, False): self.set_active(i) break if self.get_active() < 0: # nothing found, select first translation self.set_active(0) # Allow for other callbacks return False ### def gather_other_translations (): from glob import glob entries = filter(lambda x: os.path.isdir(x), glob('images/*')) entries.extend(filter(lambda x: os.path.isdir(x), glob('lessons/*'))) entries = map(lambda x: os.path.basename(x), entries) f = file('i18n_misc_strings.py', 'w') for e in entries: f.write('_("%s")\n' % e) f.close() if __name__ == '__main__': gather_other_translations()